I have served as the Artistic Administrator/Composer Advocate for the New York Women Composers for over a decade now.
We are an innovative advocacy member organization with a mission to expand performance opportunities for women’s music.
Our program of Seed Money Grants has created concert opportunities all across America, and internationally in Brazil, Cyprus, Japan, Armenia, and Poland.
If you’d like to support our work through a tax-deductible contribution, no amount is too small or large. Contributions are appreciatively accepted throughout the year, and can be made through our NY Charities or PayPal Giving Fund buttons at: https://mailchi.mp/fa5d4e742619/givingtuesday-nywc-giving-opportunities-for-womensmusic-2847937 or on our website.
Thank you for you generosity!

Rain Worthington, Sylvia Ahramjian, Paula Sant’ana with the student orchestra of the Encontro Internacional de Cordas.