Score purchase is available through Subito Music Distribution. Purchase original CD release.
Release 2/2016: Dream Vapors – selected works for orchestra, Navona Records, Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Ovidiu Marinescu, Conductor
Original Release 4/2011: Light and Shadow, Navona Records, NV5847
Program note: Tracing a Dream taps into the impressionistic logic of emotions and dreams. Within this realm there is a fluidity of connections and sequences that is governed by emotional contexts, rather than rational order. Music has the capacity to heighten and distill emotions through juxtapositions that might otherwise be thought to be unlikely – comparable to dream imagery. – RW
Dream Vapors – selected works for orchestra
Rain Worthington is a contemporary voice that demands to be heard. The present first collection establishes her as a unique orchestral exponent, an inspired artist saying something definite and compelling today.
– Grego Edwards, Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review

Image by Mark Bowie
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra | Robert Ian Winstin, conductor
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra | Petr Vronský, conductor
Russian Philharmonic Orchestra | Ovidiu Marinescu, conductor
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra | Petr Vronský, conductor
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra | Petr Vronský, conductor
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra | Robert Ian Winstin, conductor
Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra | Petr Vronský, conductor
All Artist’s proceeds will support an Alzheimer’s research organization.
[Rain] has the ability to state her compositional case to us directly, as it were, in absolutely concrete if mystical terms. She somehow makes clear to us how we experience the transitional, impermanent and ever shifting quality of a later modernist world.
– Grego Edwards, Gapplegate Classical-Modern Music Review
Places to Buy Dream Vapors
Light and Shadow – Modern Orchestral Works
A collection of modern orchestral works from composers Adrienne Albert, Daniel Perttu, Rain Worthington, Rebecca Oswald, Russ Lombardi and Tadd Russo.
Includes Tracing a Dream by Rain Worthington.